Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Fun monday

well this weekend was quite boring. josh had to work 12 hours on saturday, but when he got home we went for a gourmet dinner at fazoli's and a relaxing trip to wal-mart. on sunday we all went to church forthe first time as a little family. we haven't been to 3 hours of church in who knows how long. yesterday i skipped my chores and we went to Robin's to play with Tucker and Charly. i took my camera but as you can see i have no pictures to post. kimber and tucker went back and forth several times in the afternoon between loving and hating each other. it was so fun and i was so happy to see robin. her cousin jill was there too so it allowed for even more adult interaction.

i need to add to my gratitude list:
1. a car ( we spent about 5 months without a vehicle. it truly is a blessing to have one)
2. a home, i complain a lot about where i live but i should just be grateful for a place to live
3. days when my kiddos sleep in
4. the gospel
5. living close to family
6. having decent relationships with my brothers and sisters
7. having decent relationships with my parents, all 4 of them
8. the holidays
9. dairy queen
10. living in a place where it doesnt freeze, although i likle being able to wear cute winter clothes.


Robin said...

I had a blast too! Cars are good. Love you.

Jillsywillsy said...

I had fun too. Your kids are adorable.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ said...

It's great to read others lists, to jog our memories of the so many blessings God has bestowed upon us. Thanks for sharing!
