Friday, July 20, 2007

crisis number 2

ok so i dont know how many people actually read this but i know at least a few of you do. i need some help finding child care. kimber is starting kindergarten so if i go to work full time i will probably have to find someone that can take her and pick her up from school as well as watch my (potty trained)two and a half year old and my 9 month old. they are all really cute. oh and they have to be willing to work for not a lot of money.... :/ if this sounds like something you want to do or something someone you know wants to do please let me know!!!


Mrs Salas said...

ok lindy i have a friend that is going through what you are going through for the time being you could always get someone who is des certified for the kids. and you dont pay them the des does
email me for any other questions you might have

Pure Images said...

If you lived close to me, I would totally help you out. I will keep you in my prayers...

Mrs Salas said...

same here lindy you will be n my prayers

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

sorry, no help with the babysitting but it was good to see you today and hope you can come to the play groups often. good luck with your adorble kids!